As of October 1, 2022, Palomar Health became the designated hospital-based training center for forensic medical evidentiary exams in the state of California.

Established by California Penal Code 13823.93, the California Clinical Forensic Medical Training Center (CCFMTC) was established by state law in 1995 to ensure victims of interpersonal violence throughout California have equal access to trained nursing and medical professionals. The California legislature determined that access to healthcare professionals knowledgeable about medical evidentiary examinations and psychological trauma was uneven in both rural and urban areas throughout California. As a result, PC 13823.93 was enacted to meet this need and create this public policy direction.

Training is provided for healthcare providers to identify, evaluate, and document injuries; to better manage the healthcare consequences of abuse; and to effectively collaborate with law enforcement agencies, advocacy organizations, social services, and the criminal justice system. CCFMTC also provides training to law enforcement officers, deputy district attorneys, public defenders, investigative social workers, and judges on medical evidentiary examination procedures and the interpretation of findings.

The CCFTMC ensures forensic medical examinations are conducted in a standard and consistent manner throughout California. This is accomplished through the development of standardized forms, protocols, and training for forensic medical examiners, law enforcement, prosecutors, and court personnel.

Click HERE, to read our most recent announcements and stay current on CCFMTC news, including upcoming training dates.



This program is supported by funding awarded by the Services*Training*Officers*Prosecutors (STOP) Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program and the Medical Training Program (MCTO) State General Fund for EM24 03 1503 through the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed by this program are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cal OES.